To commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ole Bull, a special edition circulation coin will be issued by Norges Bank on 5 February. The coin is legal tender and will be issued at nominal value.
Ole Bornemann Bull was born on 5 February 1810 in Bergen and died on 17 August 1880. A celebrated Norwegian violinist and composer of international renown, his impassioned dedication to traditional Norwegian folk music played a prominent role in the development of a distinctively Norwegian culture following the dissolution of the union with Denmark in 1814.
In the course of his long career, Ole Bull travelled extensively, performing all over the world, and composed a total of more than 70 works, including Recuerdos de Habana, Et Sæterbesøg, Sætergjentens søndag, I ensomme Stunde and Polacca Guerriera. He also supported and encouraged young Norwegian classical musicians such as Edvard Grieg, Erika Nissen, Agathe Backer Grøndahl and Rikard Nordraak.
Design and technical specifications
* Diameter: 24.0 mm
* Thickness: 2.0 mm
* Weight: 6.8 g
* Alloy: 81% Cu, 10% Zn, 9% Ni
* Edge: Alternate plain/milled
Obverse (heads side):

The obverse features a portrait of H.M. King Harald V facing right. Around the portrait is the inscription: HARALD V NORGES KONGE. At the lower left edge of the portrait is the artist’s signature, IAR. Below the portrait is the year 2010 with Det Norske Myntverkets (Mint of Norway’s) mintmark, the crossed pick and hammer, placed between the first two and last two digits.
Reverse (tails side):

The design on the reverse features Ole Bull’s portrait fused with part of a sheet of music from his composition ”Seterjentens søndag”, one of Bull’s most famous compositions, with his name (OLE BULL), the anniversary year (200 ÅR) and the coin’s denomination (10 kr) to the right. These elements form a decorative and rhythmic whole. Below the denomination is the designer’s signature, WG.
The coin's obverse was designed by Ingrid Austlid Rise, designer at Det Norske Myntverket AS (Mint of Norway). The reverse was designed by sculptor Wenche Gulbransen. 10-krone coins in the standard design will not be issued in 2010.