Naujos Latvijos monetos

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Naujos Latvijos monetos

Standartinė SarasM » Ket Gru 04, 2008 10:48 am

Siandien i apyvarta isleidziama nauja Latvijos 1 lato moneta "kaminkretys":


Measurements: diameter 21.75 mm, weight 4.80 g.
Material: cupro-nickel.
Struck in 2008 by Rahapaja Oy (Finland).
Artists: Daina Lapina (graphic design), Laura Medne (plaster model).

The large coat of arms of the Republic of Latvia, with the year 2008 inscribed below, is placed in the centre. The inscriptions LATVIJAS and REPUBLIKA, each arranged in a semicircle, are above and beneath the central motif respectively.

A chimney-sweep is featured in the centre. The inscription LATS, arranged at the top in a semicircle, and the numeral 1, placed in the lower part of the coin, are both depicted on the left.

Two inscriptions LATVIJAS BANKA (Bank of Latvia), separated by rhombic dots.
Monetų parduotuvė
perkame ir parduodame monetas - 861287899
Vartotojo avataras
Pranešimai: 5153
Užsiregistravo: Tre Spa 01, 2008 8:26 pm
Miestas: Kaunas
Kolekcionuoju: Lietuvos banknotus, atvirukus su Marijampole

Re: Naujos Latvijos monetos

Standartinė SarasM » Pir Gru 22, 2008 6:41 pm

Dar viena sidabrine moneta, si karta "Krepsinis":

Monetų parduotuvė
perkame ir parduodame monetas - 861287899
Vartotojo avataras
Pranešimai: 5153
Užsiregistravo: Tre Spa 01, 2008 8:26 pm
Miestas: Kaunas
Kolekcionuoju: Lietuvos banknotus, atvirukus su Marijampole

Re: Naujos Latvijos monetos

Standartinė SarasM » Pir Bir 08, 2009 11:28 am

Nauja apyvartine vieno Lato moneta "Nameisio ziedas":


Face value: 1 lats
Weight: 4.80 g, diameter: 21.75 mm
Metal: cupro-nickel
Struck in 2009 by Staatliche Münze Berlin (Germany)
Artists: Ilze Libiete (graphic design), Baiba Šime (plaster model)

The large coat of arms of the Republic of Latvia, with the year 2009 inscribed below, is placed in the centre. The inscriptions LATVIJAS and REPUBLIKA, each arranged in a semicircle, are above and beneath the central motif respectively.

Namejs ring encloses the numeral 1 with the inscription LATS in a semicircle below it.

Two inscriptions LATVIJAS BANKA (Bank of Latvia), separated by rhombic dots.

Namejs ring is among the most often replicated Baltic jewellery pieces: makers and wearers as well as archaeologists use this designation when referring to a certain type of ring. The ring is most popular with men, but women like to wear it too. The original ring has been found in territories populated by Latgallians and in castle mounds on the banks of the Daugava. Namejs rings are a relatively rare find not only because its production demanded and still demands a painstaking and skilful work on the jeweller's part but also because they were usually made of silver. This type of ring was named after the Semigallian chieftain Namejs only in the 1930s when two such rings were found in the Daugmale castle mound and they became favourites for replication and wearing. The popularity of the ring and indeed its very name originated with the novel "Namejs Ring" by Aleksandrs Grins and a portrait of Namejs by Ludolfs Liberts: entirely a product of the artist's imagination. Yet Namejs himself probably had never even seen this ring: the originals found in the gravesites are dated 12th or, at the latest, early 13th century when Namejs had not even been born; during his lifetime such rings were no longer worn. In addition, it was a Latgallian piece of jewellery that Semigallians did not use; the explanation for the Daugmale find is that in ancient times it was a crossroads for the trade routes of artisans and traders of various ethnicities. In the popular imagination, history has married legend and what is important is the concept instead of exact years and historical truth. Namejs ring has come to signify that the wearer has some relationship to Latvia: even if he or she belongs to a different nation, it is evidence that they have some connection with the Latvian land or culture.
Monetų parduotuvė
perkame ir parduodame monetas - 861287899
Vartotojo avataras
Pranešimai: 5153
Užsiregistravo: Tre Spa 01, 2008 8:26 pm
Miestas: Kaunas
Kolekcionuoju: Lietuvos banknotus, atvirukus su Marijampole

Re: Naujos Latvijos monetos

Standartinė SarasM » Ket Lap 26, 2009 11:24 pm

Kaledu moneta:


1 lats (Ls 1 in short)
Weight: 4.80 g, diameter: 21.75 mm
Metal: cupro-nickel
Struck in 2009 by Staatliche Münze Berlin (Germany)
Artists: Arvīds Priedīte (graphic design), Ligita Franckeviča (plaster model)
Monetų parduotuvė
perkame ir parduodame monetas - 861287899
Vartotojo avataras
Pranešimai: 5153
Užsiregistravo: Tre Spa 01, 2008 8:26 pm
Miestas: Kaunas
Kolekcionuoju: Lietuvos banknotus, atvirukus su Marijampole

Re: Naujos Latvijos monetos

Standartinė Fredis » Pir Sau 25, 2010 2:51 pm

Kiek isviso yra 1Lato proginiu monetu?
Domina visas pasaulis nuo 1900-2000m. Pradziai apivartines nors neatsisakau ir kitu (drinking)
Vartotojo avataras
Pranešimai: 550
Užsiregistravo: Šeš Sau 09, 2010 9:46 pm
Miestas: Kaunas

Re: Naujos Latvijos monetos

Standartinė SarasM » Pir Sau 25, 2010 2:54 pm

Berods 15. Pasižiūrėt visas gali čia:
Monetų parduotuvė
perkame ir parduodame monetas - 861287899
Vartotojo avataras
Pranešimai: 5153
Užsiregistravo: Tre Spa 01, 2008 8:26 pm
Miestas: Kaunas
Kolekcionuoju: Lietuvos banknotus, atvirukus su Marijampole

Re: Naujos Latvijos monetos

Standartinė SarasM » Pir Sau 25, 2010 2:58 pm

Monetų parduotuvė
perkame ir parduodame monetas - 861287899
Vartotojo avataras
Pranešimai: 5153
Užsiregistravo: Tre Spa 01, 2008 8:26 pm
Miestas: Kaunas
Kolekcionuoju: Lietuvos banknotus, atvirukus su Marijampole

Re: Naujos Latvijos monetos

Standartinė SarasM » Ant Bir 08, 2010 9:35 am



Monday, 7 June, the Bank of Latvia will begin circulating a new 1-lats circulation coin with the picture of a toad on the reverse. The coin is legal tender in the Republic of Latvia. The coins will be circulated the same way as any other circulation money, reaching commercial and other enterprises and the population via banks. The authors of the graphic design and plaster cast are Edgars Folks and Jānis Strupulis respectively.

The new 1-lats coins were struck at the German mint Staatliche Münze Berlin.

The toad occupies an important place in Latvia's natural environment and the popular mentality alike, it is considered to help farmers and bring blessing to households.

Face value: 1 lats
Weight: 4.80 g, diameter 21.75 mm
Metal: cupro-nickel
Struck in 2010 by Staatliche Münze Berlin (Germany)
Artists: Edgars Folks (graphic design), Jānis Strupulis (plaster model)

Obverse Reverse

The large coat of arms of the Republic of Latvia, with the year 2010 inscribed below, is placed in the centre. The inscriptions LATVIJAS and REPUBLIKA, each arranged in a semicircle, are above and beneath the central motif respectively.

A toad is in the centre, with the numeral 1 and superscript inscription LATS above.

Two inscriptions LATVIJAS BANKA (Bank of Latvia), separated by rhombic dots.

The toad family in Latvia is represented by the common, green, and running toad, and the fire-bellied toad and European common spadefoot, also generally referred to as 'toad', are protected species as is the running toad which was honoured as the Latvian animal-of-the year in 2007. The peculiarities of the way a toad looks, its ability to secrete a foul smelling fluid, and the metamorphosis from a tadpole to an adult are at the basis of many folk beliefs.

The toad is active at night and also in rainy weather, so seeing a toad in bright daylight meant impending rain to those in the know. The Latvians of old considered the toad a creature of the so-called Milk Mother; hence a toad should be honoured by leaving out a bowl of milk - then it would make the cows produce more milk. The House Spirit was also said to sometimes take the form of a toad, so toads were allowed in the house and feed-lot and fed. The special Latvian pagan deity, Mother of Satiation, appeared as a toad to leap around food and lend it satiety.

The toad is associated with fertility: in the ancient Latvian folksongs it carries the water for the beer brewing ritual; its presence helps the harvest. Like the grass snake, the toad was considered to bring blessing to cattle, therefore he who killed a toad risked to have cows go dry and the skin on his hands turn toadlike. By contrast, to circle around a toad three times guarantees good fortune. We are entrusting the toad with just this mission: to bring luck and good fortune to each household where money is spent prudently.
Monetų parduotuvė
perkame ir parduodame monetas - 861287899
Vartotojo avataras
Pranešimai: 5153
Užsiregistravo: Tre Spa 01, 2008 8:26 pm
Miestas: Kaunas
Kolekcionuoju: Lietuvos banknotus, atvirukus su Marijampole

Re: Naujos Latvijos monetos

Standartinė lunizz » Ant Lap 16, 2010 12:10 am

Latvijos bankas išleido latą su gintaro gabalėliu ... d=38589565
Vartotojo avataras
Pranešimai: 326
Užsiregistravo: Šeš Gru 05, 2009 3:06 am
Miestas: Vilnius-Panevėžys-Kaunas

Re: Naujos Latvijos monetos

Standartinė rmd » Ant Lap 16, 2010 9:05 am

lunizz rašė:Latvijos bankas išleido latą su gintaro gabalėliu ... d=38589565

Vartotojo avataras
Pranešimai: 675
Užsiregistravo: Sek Spa 26, 2008 7:32 pm
Miestas: Kaunas


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