joeyuk rašė:Forgive my posting in English but I wanted to ask my question here to get the most accurate answer.
The proof-like version of the 2009 mint set contains a three coins from 1991. They are a 1 centas, 2 centai and 5 centai all with proof-like surfaces.
Am I correct to assume they were struck in 2009 with old dies saved from 1991 and specially prepared to be used on specially prepared coin blanks ?
Or would new dies have been created with the 1991 date ?
I picked up a set of these recently and it got me thinking.
This link provides some pics on omnicoin. http://omnicoin.com/collection/Joe_Yuk
danuta1 rašė:
Galima dar rasti uz 600-700€ proof-like
Paprastas apie 70-80€
Grįžti į Numizmatiniai rinkiniai nuo 1991 m.
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