kulvelis rašė:Great news! Two different edges were found on 1 litas 1925 - with 102 and 109 reefs. Check your coinsMaybe some other variants exist.
LandeN rašė:kulvelis rašė:Great news! Two different edges were found on 1 litas 1925 - with 102 and 109 reefs. Check your coinsMaybe some other variants exist.
ar stirtis todel kad viena buvo kaldinama Anglijoje, o kita Lietuvoje?
maybe the coins differ because one was minted in England and another in Lithuania?
RamunasV rašė:maybe you can reveal the secret to you to run those sections?
matas-matas rašė:as pasiemiau puikios kokybes lituka 1925 uz 15 LT? Permokejau?
matas-matas rašė:matas-matas rašė:
as pasiemiau puikios kokybes lituka 1925 uz 15 LT? Permokejau?
žiurint kas tavo akimis puiki šiaip brangoka
http://pirkis.lt/item?id=5164302 va toks va. Kaip?
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